5 Simple Ways to Spruce Up Your Practice’s About Page

by Jackson Hadley, My Social Practice

Think nobody’s looking at your practice website’s “About Us” page? Think again! The About page is typically one of the most-visited parts of a dental website. Take advantage of this valuable opportunity to build trust and share your practice’s story.

Coming up with the perfect way to introduce yourself is tough. Whether you’re talking with someone new, writing an email, or giving a speech it’s often the first few sentences you’ll spend the most time preparing.

For potential patients visiting your website for the first time, your About page serves as a formal introduction to your dental practice. Does it succinctly and powerfully present why they should build a lifelong healthcare relationship with you?

Here are 5 ways you can make your practice’s “About Us” page more interesting and attract new patients:

1. Tell Your Story
We’ve all heard this piece of advice, and it holds true here: “Just be yourself!” Share your passion for dentistry with visitors and how it has led you to where you are today. Tell readers not just what you do, but why you do it.

Sure, you have degrees and strive to provide excellent dental care, but does that really make you stand out among your competition? Focus on the unique values and qualities that allow you to provide a patient experience unlike any other. And of course, feel free to list some of your academic and professional accomplishments, but present them in the context of how they help you serve patients better.

2. Showcase Your Team
Your About page is a great way to introduce potential patients to your team and practice culture. Having an individual photo and short bio for each team member creates connections with potential patients — before they ever call or visit your practice! Update these bios periodically or as team members join and leave.

3. Keep It Short
When writing about yourself or your team members, limit it to one or two short paragraphs each. Remember that the audience for your About page is current and potential patients, so keep their needs and interests in mind while you decide what to share.

4. Include Social Media Links
Make it easy for visitors and patients to keep in touch by prominently featuring links to all your practice’s social media pages. If you wish, you and team members can also feature links to personal Twitter, LinkedIn, and other accounts in your bios.

5. Give a Call-to-Action
Potential patients who visit your About page are often far along in their decision-making process. After getting a first impression of your practice from a friend or social media, they visit your website to learn more and see if you would be a good fit for them.

Help visitors know what to do next by providing a call-to-action in your About page. Whether it’s a link to your contact page, a calendar to schedule a free consultation or a newsletter subscription box, make it easy for current and potential patients to take the next step in building a relationship with your practice.

Even if your website doesn’t have all the bells and whistles, you can still create an effective and engaging About page by sharing how your unique history, team and practice culture allow you to help patients achieve lifelong dental health. With social media links and a call-to-action, your About page can be one of your best conversion tools for acquiring new followers, patients, and advocates for your practice.

About the Author
Jackson Hadley is a marketing strategist with My Social Practice, which provides a complete social media marketing solution for dental, orthodontic and optometric practices. A public relations specialist, Jackson combines the advertising and trust-building aspects of social media to help businesses connect authentically with their communities.