5 Habits to Gain More Dental Patient Google Reviews

by Anas Baig

Dental Patient Google Reviews

Are you ready to give your dental practice the boost that it deserves? In this fast-paced digital age, it’s no secret that online reviews can make or break a business, and dental practices are no exception.

With just a single click of a button, potential patients can access a wealth of information about your practice. And one of the most influential aspects of that information is Google reviews. It gives your business a credibility boost without spending a penny.

A positive online reputation, built on the back of glowing reviews, is as valuable as the personal recommendations shared by your most loyal patients.

So, how can you ensure that your practice stands out from the competition and consistently attracts new patients? Fear not, because we have you covered!

Top 5 Habits to Get More Google Reviews from Dental Patients

81% of the consumers read Google reviews to evaluate local businesses. In this blog post, we’ll discuss five dental marketing strategies that can help you gain more Google reviews, build a positive online reputation, and grow your dental practice.

1. Set up a business profile with Google

Your Google Business Profile is like a digital front door to your practice. It’s often the first thing potential patients explore. According to the study, 68% of consumers are more likely to choose a local business with positive Google reviews.

Invest time in setting up your business profile to make a lasting impression and attract more patients. Make sure you provide accurate and up-to-date details, such as:

  • Name, address, and phone number (NAP) – they need to find you!
  • Website URL and social media links – let them dive deeper into what you offer.
  • Business hours – nobody likes showing up when you’re closed.
  • A captivating description of your dental practice – give them a reason to choose you.
  • Services offered – let them know how you can help.
  • Areas served – show that you’re part of their community.
  • Eye-catching photos and videos of your staff and practice – pictures speak louder than words!

Need some guidance on setting up a compelling Google Business profile? Don’t worry; this step-by-step guide has got you covered!

2. Send review requests by text using automation

Text messaging is an efficient and convenient way to request Google reviews from patients. With an impressive 98% open rate, texts outperform emails regarding visibility and response rates.

Use automated text reminders to send personalized review requests shortly after appointments. It will increase the likelihood of patients sharing their experiences while they’re still fresh in their minds.

3. Monitor your practice’s online reviews

Monitor your Google reviews regularly. It helps you determine patient satisfaction and allows you to address any concerns or negative feedback promptly. According to the study by HBR, businesses that respond to reviews can experience a 12% increase in their overall rating.

By monitoring your reviews, you can identify areas for improvement and demonstrate your commitment to providing excellent patient care.

4. Engage with online reviewers

Interaction with your online reviewers is important for fostering strong patient relationships. Responding to both positive and negative reviews showcases your dedication to patient satisfaction and helps build trust with potential patients.

A study by ReviewTrackers found that 53.3% of customers expect businesses to respond to their online reviews within a week. Ensure your responses are timely, professional, and empathetic to maintain and enhance your practice’s reputation.

5. Use email to provide the best patient care journey

While text messaging is an effective method for requesting reviews, email remains a powerful tool for nurturing patient relationships. By providing valuable content, appointment reminders, and aftercare instructions, you can create a seamless patient journey from start to finish.

According to Campaign Monitor, segmented and targeted emails generate 58% of business revenue. Create personalized email campaigns that cater to your patient’s needs and interests to keep them engaged and more likely to share their positive experiences through Google reviews.


Securing a steady stream of dental patient Google reviews is vital for boosting your practice’s online reputation and visibility.

By integrating these 5 powerful habits into your practice’s online reputation management, you’ll establish a strong digital presence, propelling your dental practice to unparalleled success.

Embrace these proven strategies to skyrocket your Google reviews, attract new patients, and enhance your overall credibility in the industry.

About the Author

Anas Baig is a digital marketer with 10 years of experience, passionate about creating effective digital strategies that drive business growth. In addition to his professional experience, he has also received multiple certifications in digital marketing, including Google Ads, Google Analytics, and HubSpot.