A dental implant surgery video with a sinus lift and placing 4 implants

It’s unthinkable that in a country with the range of talent we possess in the dental and laboratory profession, that as editor, I have to scout YOUTUBE for interesting videos. The request of Canadian dentists is no more than 6 to 8 figures, a legend that describes the figure consistent with any journal article you’ve read, your headshot, your curriculum vitae and a listing of your CE programs. Those who run centres should be all over this like a fat kid on a Smartee….it’s an opportunity to MENTOR the profession. The labs should be doing the same…….they are spending millions on new CAD/CAM technology and awareness remains circumspect.  This is not a clandestine attempt to vet the standard of care, rather it is the penultimate attempt to raise the bar, show by example the excellence this profession demands and can achieve.  This entreaty is not going away, we know you’re out there and we will find you…..in the nicest way possible of course…….for now…………

Canadian dentists go local…..important read
