Clinical eChronicle of Treatment Outcomes REDUX

Work continues on development of a second blog for Oral Health and it’s readership – oops, erase that, it’s viewership. The intention is to create a blog that is case report driven, searchable by topic and egalitarian in that everyone is encourage to contribute cases in a format that is visually impacting with a figure legend contribution of text. The inclusion of into this initiative means that graphics and animations will be developed to augment topic areas that have the greatest number of viewings.  It is not a unique premise, one need only go to to see the basics of what is being described, but the difference is that it will be all inclusive and all encompassing.  Do stay tuned as this initiative moves forward and comes closer and closer to being ready for prime time. Melissa Summerfield, Catherine Wilson and Dr. Reena Gaajar are to be applauded for their vision and their passion in bringing this effort online.

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