Damon Braces In Orthodontics with Winnipeg Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Brad Stevens

There was a blog posting on Damon braces a while back with no comments, however, this is an area in orthodontics that is worth revisiting – Damon Braces – it’s a divisive issue in the ortho specialty (yes it is a specialty – Invisalign can only be used in 99% of cases) that even a lowly endude has heard discussed.  Found this piece when looking for new material on orthodontics………….looking for commentary from Canadian wire benders.

The Damon Bracket utilizes (sliding door) technology known as “self ligation” that allows the wire to slide back and forth within the bracket. No elastic or steel ties are used with Damon brackets. This technology creates less friction and results in greater comfort for the patient. In addition, Damon braces often reduce both treatment time and the number of adjustments that are usually performed.

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