Does expensive hygiene care work better (?)

Partners In Prevention 1A recent NY Times article reported that, in an experiment, Parkinson’s patients said an expensive version of a drug worked better than the cheap version of that same drug.

Does the same principle apply to hygiene services? Would patients rate an expensive cleaning more thorough and effective than a cheap cleaning?

Perhaps or perhaps not, but we have observed that the acceptance of a Prevora treatment can actually grow with price. In other words, in our extensive willingness-to-pay studies in Canada, the UK and Germany, more patients paid for Prevora at a higher price than at a lower price.

Some explain this curious phenomenon this way: the patient thinks the treatment is very effective because it is expensive.

This may be the case, but I think a more important factor is that the dental professional who offers his/her services at a high price, is confident in the quality and value of the care delivered. And this confidence positively influences patient acceptance.


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