Hardy Limeback – where you be lad?

Time to reframe this blog. The icanaden forum recently discussed this very issue – hopefully, someone who reads this, the two or three of your who do, may know someone on icanaden. If we use the rule of six degrees of separation, then perhaps Dr. Limeback will either share a blog posting or a comment. Either way, the voices from Canadian dentists can and should be heard on this forum.

United States Department of Health to Lower the Recommended Level of Fluoride in Drinking Water

The following article was published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in June of 2011 (CMAJ. 2011; 183(9):E531-E532).  It is reprinted here in the Dental Hub in its entirety as it addresses public fluoridation in Canada. It can be found at this url: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3114922/?tool=pubmed
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