I’ve been working on the blogosphere, all the live long day

The concept of social media and it’s increasing impact on dental practice and the expansion thereof continues unabated.  The latest and greatest impact is the use of iPADS in lieu of the traditional “manual” for CE courses. Why bother with a manual that is thumbnails of the slides being viewed when you can download the program, articles of relevance, graphics and animations on your iPAD through an APP created for the course you’re attending and then be updated on a continuing basis….it’s not pie in the sky, it’s here, it may be queer to some, GET OVER YOURSELVES.

As to blogs – well, read on doubting Thomas……whether it’s you or a team member, blogging to your client base about the goings on in your facility, it just got easy peasy……simple little APP tied into the blogging platform of your choice……i.e. note the links are to Twitter, Facebook et al through a multitude of blogging platforms including my personal favorite – AHEM KIM!!! – Word Press… A free service based blogging software – please excuse the ad at the start of the video…….Moveable Type which is this platform only allows me to add video with code, not by file, ergo,I can’t edit and you get a commercial – SORRY!!!
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