Noah! Build me an ark…..the flood has begun

Secure networks for health care data communication and discourse……up the ramp, two by two now….


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US Healthcare is in crisis. Costs are rising rapidly, quality is poor or inconsistent and access or choice is inadequate. These problems, combined with the emergence of a fundamentally new environment driven by the dictates of globalization, consumerism, demographic shifts, the increased burden of disease, and expensive new technologies and treatments are expected to force fundamental change on healthcare within the coming decade. Healthcare systems that fail to address this new environment will likely “hit the wall” and require immediate and major forced restructuring – a “lose-lose” scenario for all stakeholders.

Health care organizations, dental clinics and physician-based practices are converting to electronic medical records (EMR) at an exponential rate. Part of this has been due to governmental and insurance regulations and billing practices and part of it has been due to increasing medical legal risks. Today’s health care arena is fast-paced and more detail oriented than ever before. This requires that the most up-to-date patient records and information be readily accessible,but in a secure and protected environment. However,currently patient records are stored on paper or digitally within a clinic or hospital, such as a general dentist’s clinic.

To solve this situation, eDosseaTM has created a modern, powerful, easy to use and secure Web based Portal that acts as a Hub. eDosseaTM allows Physicians to upload Electronic Health Records such as Radiology reports, Lab results etc. in a secure way, so that a referred specialist, such as an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, Endodontist, Prosthodontist or a Dental Lab can have secure, easy and direct access to the referred patient’s records, any time and any place.

How eDosseaTM Works

After a physician, dentist or other health professional gets a patient’s permission to store their Personal Health Records at eDosseaTM, he/she uploads those health records, such as X-Rays and related records securely to eDosseaTM where it is stored in an encrypted manner. Once stored on eDossea, a specific record for a specific patient can be assigned to a specialist who is already signed up on eDossea. Once assigned, the specialist gets notified on eDossea about a new record being assigned to them. At that instant, the record is available as a referral to the specialist – It Is that Simple. eDossea TM also has the ability to refer a patient to a non-eDossea member via an email link that gives them access to the X-Ray & related records within eDossea, but with limited functionality.


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