The “new” Drugstore

Have you been watching how American drugstore chains like CVS and Walgreens are redefining themselves? They all want to be part of a healthcare network first rather than a convenient general store dispensing prescription medications.

In Walgreens’ case, it is now offering to diagnose and treat chronic conditions. Diabetics are responding – they visit their local Walgreens 20 times a year. This chain has also introduced new wellness programs for its customers with points earned by healthy behaviour. It is reaching out to local physicians to coordinate care.

With CVS, they are no longer selling tobacco products and are looking to limit sugared drinks too. It wants a pure brand, not one with distractions and contradictions.

So what might the implications and parallels be for dental practices?

Like Walgreens, will dental practices realize the needs and wants of the “dry mouth” community, the diabetics, those who want some guidance on dental wellness?

If the big American drug store chains can shift gears to meet this growing need and want for more coordinated, convenient and better care, it seems the dental practices should too.

By: Ross Perry

SOURCED: Partners In Prevention