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Rather than exalting Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg in this missive…………… wait, it deserves to be done…….iPAD, fastest selling electronic device in history, MZ – youngest billionaire ever……..let’s simply look at what is happening because of them to the Internet and by extension to dental practice…….visit and GOOGLE “twitter for dentists” and then come on back and comment….you must remember that the Internet is not a one off approach to “marketing”.  And you must realize that the expanding technologic services that we learn remain as foreign to the consumer base as the raison d’etre behind biologic width.  UNENDING PATIENT EDUCATION is the sine qua non of the successful dental pr

Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder and CEO, dur...

Image via Wikipedia

actice. Consider the impact of consumer involvement in today’s Internet based marketing/consumer linked society.  The GAP recently did major damage to it’s brand by changing it’s logo….. 

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