What it was, what it is, what is shall be

The vision of this blog remains ill defined, not unlike an experiment in the social sciences whereby, the objective is unclear because the technology hasn’t permeated the majority of the viewers and the application of the technology remains blurry.  Still confused, good, that usually means you’ll either re-read the posting or read further with increased intensity.
Most blogs are either filled with product announcements, event happenings or editorial opinions from the blogger – all good…….however, in the case of this blog, Oral Health is the avatar for clinical excellence in Canada. One of the most important goals of this blog is to effect a furtherance of that position and to do so means gathering the technologies, building the value of the brand “Mouthing Off” and creating something that draws the viewer here daily.
To that end,I’d like to conduct a little experiment. I run a clinical blog “Endodontic Implant Algorithm”.  The members of the contributing forums come from all over and share cases,not unlike the IDF, OsseoNews and other forums.
Personally, I’d like to uncover the talent in Canada and give those who don’t enjoy staring at blank pages a showcase for their skills. To that end, if the comments on this posting warrant it, it becomes simple to create a posting mechanism like Google blogs, or Osseo News to give anyone with the will, the desire and the passion to mentor their colleagues.  All it takes is a few comments to create a trend and a need……..Consider it.

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