Why you maybe working more and enjoying it less

The following is from the Wall Street Journal – does it apply to dentistry?  We are a profession AND A BUSINESS – everything is grist for the mill……adapt away…

Businesses expect a lot more out of their employees
these days, as a visit to Rioja, the top-rated Denver restaurant, can
demonstrate. If you like Rioja’s hazelnut tortamisu, thank pastry chef
Eric Dale. And if you happen to pop your head into the bakery room and
admire the tile job on the floor, you can thank him for that, too.

Ever since his boss, chef Jen Jasinski,
discovered that Mr. Dale is handy, she’s had him doing double duty as
the maintenance man. He has spent hours repainting the oven, fixing the
plumbing and installing a garbage disposal. And that’s just the start.
He used to manage the dessert operation at one of Ms. Jasinski’s
restaurants; now he’s up to three. All told, Mr. Dale says,his hours
have expanded to more than 60 a week.

In this new era of the superjob,everyone does windows, and anyone
who gripes about working too hard will hear an even hairier tale from
the exec on the next bar stool. Emboldened by an unemployment crisis
that’s only now easing up, businesses of all sizes have asked employees
to take on extra tasks that have little to do with their primary roles
and expertise — with engineers going on sales calls, accountants
pitching in on customer service and chief financial officers running a
division on the side. And some believe this shift is permanent, as the
quickening pace of change demands more flexibility from everyone at the

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