Introverts Unite

by Jillian Cecchini, Managing Editor

Jillian CecchiniExtroverts are outgoing and introverts are shy, right? Not exactly.

I’m an introvert. No, I’m not shy. I’m not antisocial. I’m not stuck up. I’m simply just listening and observing in my comfort zone. Truly understanding each personality type in your office – and which one you are – can help you manage a vast range of experiences.

If you’re an introvert like myself, certain aspects of career development may be challenging. Being an introvert isn’t a flaw, but it comes with its own set of definite challenges. If you’re looking to improve your career in a healthy way, how do you manage that as an introvert?

It all starts off with accepting yourself. We must always appreciate who we are and what we have become. You owe it to yourself to take the time to reflect on what you need to feel and work your best. As introverts, we have to always be in the mindset of doing what makes us feel the most comfortable.

We all come in contact with a variety of personalities throughout our lives, from extreme introverts to extreme extroverts, and everyone in between. From personal experience, working in an office full of energetic and extremely social sales people can sometimes be a bit overwhelming for an introverted editor. But it’s important to know the difference between the two and how to properly handle multiple personality types.
What’s important, even though it’s outside of our comfort zone, is that we strive to surround ourselves with different personalities so that we learn how to deal and adapt. Though we’re on completely opposite sides of the spectrum, being knowledgeable on both ends can ultimately help us to be more aware and teach us how to communicate and work best with the two.

In our industry, networking is essential. And to be honest, it used to be extremely challenging for me. When I first started working for the Oral Health Group as an editorial assistant, my job was to be in my office, editing and writing, and ensuring the publication was of the highest quality. As my role developed and I was promoted to managing editor, my job description changed. I was not only responsible for the print publications but it was my duty to attend customer meetings, industry events and tradeshows. It was my responsibility to get familiar with our advertisers, to find potential authors, and to be social with all professionals in the industry. Though it took some time for me to feel comfortable, I did adapt (at my own pace). It’s a very rewarding feeling to know that I’m capable of stepping outside of my comfort zone and putting myself out there. It’s a small feat for an introvert and something to be proud of.

To be clear, I’m extremely extroverted with people who bring me comfort and happiness. As an introvert, I crave meaningful one-on-one conversation with a like-minded person. When in large groups, I sometimes tend to get quiet, but when I capture someone’s undivided attention, I’m all in. No distractions, no interruptions. Just two people spending their time sharing little pieces of their minds. And that, my fellow introverts, is a beautiful thing.

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