The Art of Leading with a Smile: Unlocking Your Potential as a Practice Leader

by Ron Fung, MBA

Have you ever noticed how the fast-paced world of modern healthcare demands something more from its managers? It’s not enough to simply manage tasks; the time has come for these professionals to evolve into great leaders who can inspire, motivate, and empower their teams. By embracing the powers of empathy, innovation, and community-building, individuals can leap from merely overseeing tasks to guiding people with vision and passion. In this article, we’ll take a moment to explore this fascinating transition and discover the true potential of leading with heart and purpose.

In my experience dealing with PE firms and DSOs, I often hear a strong emphasis on metrics, financial performance, and operational efficiency. While these aspects are undeniably important in running a successful dental practice, many leaders fail to provide a compelling method to guide and lead their team with a coherent mission. This oversight can lead to disengagement, lack of motivation, and, ultimately, suboptimal patient care.

One common misconception in the healthcare industry is that leadership and management are synonymous. While both are essential to running a successful organization, they are distinct concepts with different focuses and responsibilities. Management is primarily concerned with the efficient execution of tasks and maintaining control over processes, resources, and timelines. On the other hand, leadership goes beyond task management and encompasses the ability to inspire, motivate, and empower others. Great leaders possess a vision for the future and the ability to communicate that vision to their teams. They create an environment where individuals feel valued, encouraged, and supported to take risks and innovate.

In addition to understanding the differences between leadership and management, healthcare professionals need to recognize that great leadership starts with being an outstanding follower and learning from those who have already proved themselves as successful leaders. By observing their problem-solving attitude and aligning yourself with their vision, you can learn valuable lessons on how to lead effectively.

To embark on your journey from a manager to a great leader, consider implementing the following steps:

1. Reflect on your current management style and identify areas where you can incorporate more empathy, innovation, and mindfulness. Learn from the leaders around you, observing their problem-solving attitude and aligning their success with their mission.

2. Seek out leadership training programs and workshops that can help you enhance your skills and knowledge. Embrace the learning habit by doing, sharing, and observing.

3. Practice active listening and open communication with your team, fostering an environment of trust and collaboration. Learn from past experiences and empathize with people to understand their perspectives.

4. Encourage creativity and experimentation within your team, providing support and resources for new ideas and projects. Influence others to do the right things and motivate them by setting an example through your actions and words.

5. Foster a strong sense of community and shared purpose within your practice, celebrating each team member’s unique strengths and contributions. Support your managers in accomplishing the practice’s vision and help align everyone with the same goal.

6. Continuously evaluate your leadership approach, seeking feedback from your team and adapting as needed to better serve their needs and the needs of your business. Great leaders listen, involve themselves in great conversations, and provide space for others to speak their minds.

7. Consider hiring an executive coach or finding a mentor to guide you through leadership challenges. These professionals can offer valuable insights, advice, and support to help you grow and develop as a leader in any industry.

Embarking on this journey from manager to exceptional leader, dear reader, is not without its challenges. However, it is a vital quest for healthcare professionals who aspire to rise above the mundane and lead their teams with purpose. As you incorporate these actionable items and gradually transform into a great leader, you unlock the full potential of your team, driving your healthcare organization toward lasting success.

By balancing managing metrics and nurturing purpose within your team, you foster an environment that encourages growth and excellence in patient care. As a result, you, too, can create a vibrant, resilient organization that thrives in the face of change and delivers exceptional patient care.

This transformative journey not only advances your career and improves the patient experience but also contributes significantly to the long-term success of your practice. But remember, the journey to exceptional leadership does not need to be lonely. If you grasp the basic ideas outlined in this article but still need guidance or are uncertain about how to implement them fully, consider seeking guidance from an executive consultant. These experts can provide personalized advice, tailored strategies, and ongoing support to help you tackle leadership challenges and make the leap to the aspirational leader you envision yourself to be.

So, keep pushing forward, for the rewards of exceptional leadership far outweigh the challenges that may arise along the way. With the proper guidance and perseverance, you can unlock your full potential as a leader in the healthcare industry, leaving a lasting positive impact on staff and patients.

About the Author

Ron Fung, MBA, has enjoyed a rewarding career spanning over 25 years in alternative investments and management consulting. As a Senior Executive of Corporate Strategy at EY-Parthenon, he advises Fortune 500 companies, DSOs, and private equity clients on all strategic matters. He previously served as the Managing Partner of Valeo & Co, specializing in healthcare investments. Ron is well known for his innovative strategies that enable businesses to thrive in the intensely competitive healthcare sector. To connect with Ron, visit his LinkedIn profile: