Turning Over a New Leaf

by Jillian Cecchini, Managing Editor

Jillian Cecchini, Managing Editor Oral HealthSimply put, change in inevitable. All around us, change is happening on a daily basis. Why is it that so many of us are instantly turned off by the thought of change? It’s constantly happening, yet we still allow ourselves to let it become overbearing. If we could only learn to let change encourage us, the positive benefits could potentially allow us to become happier in our careers and the experience creates personal and professional growth.

Summer is quickly coming to an end and a new season is upon us. Though most of society associates new beginnings with a new year, the beginning of Fall in September is the ideal time to embrace change before the year comes to an end. After all, Fall is dubbed the ‘season of change’. And with change comes chance – the perfect opportunity to reassess and recharge.

Implementing change can seem like a daunting task, yet we know the benefits can be rewarding. It’s always smart to take time to conduct a self-assessment and try to establish what you would like to improve within your everyday life. Let’s take work for example. September is an appropriate time to start planning for the following year. Oral Health recently had our annual strategy session where we did just this. Getting together outside of the office, away from daily distractions and interruptions, allowed our team the opportunity to plan and collaborate on new ideas and projects for the following year. It’s also a time for engaging in open conversation regarding new ideas, and how to improve processes that are already in place.

Here are my top three steps to consider when implementing change:

Number 1: Self-assessment.
Taking the time to sit down and talk to yourself about what you would like to improve upon is key. A self-evaluation may seem like a strange suggestion but I guarantee the benefits will outweigh the task at hand. In order to achieve overall satisfaction, whether at work or in your personal life, thinking about your values, skills, interests and characteristics will be a strong motivational driver.

Number 2: Talk to someone.
Confide in a trusted team member, friend or mentor with whom you can discuss potential areas of change. As previously mentioned, the thought of change can be daunting. A trusted listener will of course listen, ask questions, and refrain from interjecting their own opinions (unless asked). After all, an outside perspective can be rewarding.

Number 3: Be proactive.
Figure out how your desired changes can be implemented and the necessary steps to take in order to accomplish your goals. It’s all about taking the first step. My suggestion: make a to-do list in order to track your goals. This will hold you accountable and act as a motivator towards success.

Though I am not an expert on processing change, trust me – I find it difficult myself, hopefully these steps can encourage and motivate. Remember, the secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.


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