How China Is Shaping The Future Of Oral Health For The FDI World Dental Congress 2020 In Shanghai

FDI World Dental Congress

In China, significant differences exist between urban and rural populations in terms of oral hygiene practices and access to oral care. Results of a study published in the International Dental Journal in 2005 revealed that regular tooth brushing was three times more frequent in urban than in rural areas.

There are also a limited number of oral health professionals to serve the population: the dentist to population ratio is 1:100,000. As expected, the use of oral health services is somewhat lower in rural than urban areas, with significantly more rural participants having never seen a dentist during their lifetime. Due to the limited availability of dentists, most people have a symptomatic, rather than preventive, approach to dental care. The most frequently cited reasons for dental visits are toothache, need for tooth extraction, and prosthetic treatment.

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