Uneducated Parents Blamed for Children’s Poor Oral Health

Editor’s Note: Where does the responsibility lie? While this article is about British parents and their lack of education in good oral hygiene to pass along to their children, the story could be talking about any parent in any country. There’s no denying many Canadian parents have a “basic” understanding: brush for two minutes, brush twice a day, floss, etc. When it comes to recognizing what makes a healthy mouth for their child (and even themselves), where does that knowledge come from? There’s a valid argument to be had that it’s the parents’ responsibility to educate themselves, but does a dentist or hygienist have an equal part in ensuring the general public knows what to look for? This article is the jumping off point on a greater discussion.

Millions of British parents could be putting their children’s health at risk by not knowing the facts about kids’ dental care, according to research.

A quarter of adults don’t think it matters if their kids develop cavities in their baby teeth, and admit to a lack of knowledge about oral health in children.

And nearly a third of parents in the UK wait until their children have all their milk teeth before taking them to the dentist for the first time, according to the study of 1,000 parents with kids under 13.

Nyree Whitely, the group clinical director for mydentist, which commissioned the research ahead of Smile Month, said: “There is a common misconception that baby teeth do not matter.

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