Drs. Yan Kalika and Thomas Iverson Plan To Award Three Applicants for Braces At No Cost!

Smile for a Lifetime of Sacramento will be selecting three children to receive orthodontic scholarships November 2014. Children are encouraged to submit applications through November 5th, 2014 and winners will be notified before the end of this year. Smile for a Lifetime (S4L) is a non-profit organization that selects six applicants a year, up to the age of 19, to receive full orthodontic treatment for free in the greater Sacramento Area at an Image Orthodontics office.

In June 2014 the first three children were awarded full orthodontic scholarships and have successfully begun their journey to a healthy smile. Smile for a Lifetime of Sacramento will continue to award three children twice a year and will be selecting its third round of winners next June 2015. For more information or to submit an application please visit:  http://www.imageorthodontics.com and click on the Smile for a Lifetime logo.