‘No-drill’ dentistry stops tooth decay

Asnan Portal - logoA University of Sydney study has revealed that tooth decay (dental caries) can be stopped, reversed, and prevented without the need for the traditional ‘fill and drill’ approach that has dominated dental care for decades. The results of the seven year study, published today in Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology, found that the need for fillings was reduced by 30 to 50 per cent through preventative oral care.

“It’s unnecessary for patients to have fillings because they’re not required in many cases of dental decay,” said the study’s lead author, Associate Professor Wendell Evans of the University of Sydney.

“This research signals the need for a major shift in the way tooth decay is managed by dentists — dental practice in Australia needs to change. Our study shows that a preventative approach has major benefits compared to current practice.

To continue reading, please visit: http://asnanportal.com/index.php/dental-report/news/898-no-drill-dentistry-stops-tooth-decay.