Addressing Your Mean Team

Has your “dream team” become a “mean team”? If so, why should you care? Beginning with the obvious, the cohesiveness of your team drives efficiency, … more


Serve from the Heart

They say the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. With busy lives, it can be difficult to … more


Your Nominations Are In!

There has been an overwhelming response to the Leaders in Practice award program. In just two months, over 500 dental health professionals were nominated for … more

Betterment Begins With Attitude

You want the best for yourself and your practice, but the first step toward getting there is developing the right mindset. Have you ever wondered … more

Leadership Lessons

Leadership Lessons from the Road

Why Bother – We are all NUCKIN’ FUTZ!   Dr. Wayne Pernell and I recently released our book, Leadership Lessons from The Road: Why Bother … more

Lead by Influence

“Leaders become great not because of their power but because of their ability to empower others”. For the past few years our company has attended … more


The Song of Leadership

Lessons in leadership show up in unlikely places. As the mother of two rough and tumble boys, one of life’s greatest gifts was unexpectedly having … more

Create Thought Leadership in Dentistry

One of the key attributes that can distinguish your dental marketing approach from other competitors is thought leadership. When patients search for a local dentist … more

Original sin

For some reason, a literal avalanche of practice administration and management courses came across my desk this week.  I used to attend. There was the … more