
Why Thousands Of Doctors Are Trusting OMNICHROMA

Since its launch at the Chicago Midwinter show in February, 2019, OMNICHROMA has been making a huge splash across the country, impacting dentists’ practices and … more

Totally Simplified Colour Matching: Single Shade Direct Composite

Placing tooth colored direct composite restorations is a clinical challenge for even the most experienced clinician. Aside from the technique sensitivities involved in adhesive bonding, … more

Colour Modifiers To Match An Odd Shade

Matching odd shades (particularly if they do not appear in shade guides) can be a challenging task for a dental professional. A skillful practitioner who … more


How OMNICHROMA Can Make Your Practice More Efficient

For most dentists, having reliable, high-quality composites is essential for day-to-day restorations. However, maintaining inventory of composites and the vast variety of shades they come … more