Encrypt me, encrypt you blues

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water; cue the theme song from JAWS…..Six months ago, the RCDSO issued guidelines on electronic communications….do you have it memorized?

Issues about email and being in accordance with PIPEDA and guidelines from regulatory bodies are emerging. It has been long overdue for this issue to get some press.

The issue is bigger than your gmail going to someone else’s hotmail.  It speaks to dentistry as a profession and how are our records going to be considered valid and authentic. 

Some examples of problem areas..

If your electronic records are not valid how can your patient records stand up in front of your regulatory college…regulatory stuff may not be so exciting, unless you are called on account.

Let’s consider the financial implications. What happens if your financial records can be modified because the practice management software you are using has weak security. Contact David Harris of www.prosperident.com about dental fraud and staff theft.

What happens should you find out the practice you just purchased for a hefty sum has 500 patients that were fictitious. Or when your hygienist is able to walk away with a USB key of your patient records so they can open up down the street from you. This burden should not be on the dentist alone, this should be shared by all stakeholders including the software and technology vendors.

How do we as dentists receive the services and products we need to grow our individual practices without worrying about encryption, faulty practice management software and poor digital images just to name a few….

It is not good enough anymore for a sales person to come to your door and expect you to take their word for it that they will provide a good piece of software and support it properly.  “It is what it is” is not an answer we should have to expect for the amount of money we invest in “dental products”

Over the next little bit I hope to shine some light on the Dental Information Technology world and the individual dentist needs support as we are unable and not trained to effectively navigate the eHealth and Dental IT environment.

Dr. Jeff Glaizel – President and CEO http://www.edradvisor.com/

My DDS Network Ltd. 4025 Yonge St.  Suite 201 Toronto, ON, Canada M2P 2E3

P:   416-733-1337 TF: 1-877-337-1337 C:   416-579-9679 www.myddsnetwork.com

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