Taking it to the streets – PART DEUX

I’d like to reinforce the concept of how this blog can evolve into an e-CASE REPORT section on www.oralhealthjournal.com – won’t get into too many details, however, there is serious discussion with a very well known company that produces extraordinary animations and has a wealth of discussion forum, website design and patient education background.  The goal is simple

An animated GIF of a tesseract

Image via Wikipedia

……baby steps…..demonstrate how case reports can be augmented with animation and embedded YOU TUBE .flv files and then expand the concept into an ePAPER segment.  Writing cases reports from a template is child’s play. It’s not a blank sheet of paper staring you in the face and cramping up your intestines, it’s a review of images and radiographs taken of the work product and figure legend commentary on what they show.  The style, the je ne sais quoi evolves over time until there is a huge repository to review of treatment planning and treatment outcome……….THIMK ABOUDDIT, THIMK DIFFERENT.  By way of example from a member of the ROOTS forum

Thumbnail image for Upper molar try out Canon 550D.001.jpg
Thumbnail image for Upper molar try out Canon 550D.002.jpg
Thumbnail image for Upper molar try out Canon 550D.003.jpg
Thumbnail image for Thumbnail image for Upper molar try out Canon 550D.004.jpg
Upper molar try out Canon 550D.005.jpg
Upper molar try out Canon 550D.006.jpg