The war on small FOV cbCT continues unabated

Each province in Canada and each State in the U.S. regulates the use of equipment that produces ionizing radiation within their own geographical areas.  Although federal guidelines exist in each country, the provinces and states interpret and regulate based on those guidelines in different ways. The rules in North Carolina are therefore different from the rules in Texas, or Ontario, or California.,,)

In the province of Ontario, it is the Ontario Ministry of Health that regulates and supervises the use of radiation emitting equipment, including dental x-ray generators. The Healing Arts Radiation Protection (HARP) commission is the department within the Ontario Ministry of Health which regulates the use of dental and medical x-ray emitting devices.  A dentist who wishes to acquire and use a device that emits x-rays must first seek HARP approval.  Once HARP approval is given, the dentist can then install and use the device subject to any specific restrictions imposed BY a, a are those who believe that no change is imminent.

7-Regardless, CT studies are available by referring a patient to an

appropriate hospital or imaging center.

That’s pretty much the story.  Except for the fact that the radiation dose level for small FOV cbCT is less than for panoramic radiographs and if there is a need for interpretation of an area, the scan can readily be sent digitally to a dental radiologist for interpretation.  The need for certification when none exists in any other province in Ontario is suspect and discriminatory in this author’s opinion.  If the regulatory bodies truly wish certification and wish to do it expeditiously and pervasively, then run an online program and a mandatory CE updating course, but RUN IT ONLINE.

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