What would you do to treat this case?

The raw power of the internet is the ability to shift gears on the fly………the blog is in its infancy, we’re following a trodden path………perhaps we need to invent our own path and journey on one not only less travelled, but perhaps previously unexplored….

Post your comments on how you would treat this situation…..the goal is to find a comfort zone for all Oral Health readers to participate, learn, share and care and ultimately to let us all know what you NEED and what you WANT in the way of information……….


Pt. has had off/on palatal  swelling. Discussed retreat, apico, and
exo/implant. Crown and post seem solid and pt. not thrilled about dismantling
restoration. Tx planned for apico. Would anyone opting for sx use a resorbable
membrane in this case, and is so, what type? One study said no difference in
healing w/ or w/o grafting and membrane, but may form apical scar which could
cloud future recalls. Pt. is military coming from an hour away and doesn’t want
multiple appt’s and maybe need surgery anyway. Teeth #’s 6 and 8 both test WNL
to cold. Advised pt. that #8 will probably need RCT in the future due to
proximity to surgical site. Watcha think??

Post your comments, the goal is to learn by sharing and caring and the cases and focusing specifically at first on treatment planning and in time on technical considerations…… SOCIAL NETWORKING and e-learning, it’s a level of cost efficiency and effectiveness that is long overdue in the profession………..real time is effective,but the downtime,the inability to revisit, et al…..everything has it’s day, progress and evolution is the byword and buzz word of all things…………………….

Post your comments……….let’s learn together

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