Cosmetic Dentistry Continuum 2009

Toronto–The Canadian Institute for Cosmetic Dental Education (CICDE) is offering a cosmetic program beginning October 31, 2009, that encourages growth in the art and science of modern dentistry. Each of the 12 modules in the CICDE Hands-On Continuum is designed to build on the previous one. This precise approach will allow you to effectively integrate all course content, thereby guiding you from your basic or current understanding to a more advanced skill level.

The Continuum is designed to bring the aspiring dentist and team to a much higher skill-set level. The program was created to elevate your skills, knowledge and innovative techniques so that you will be able to tackle the majority of cosmetic challenges with the utmost of confidence and complete understanding.

Each day at The Continuum consists of both lecture and hand-on components to give you the maximum value in learning exciting, new, proven and evidence-based, minimally-invasive techniques.

Space is limited to 20 doctors…contact for complete information.