Oral Health Next Gen

Byte-Sized Security: Two Easy Steps to Safeguard Your Dental Practice


Training your team is the most impactful way to secure your practice.

This solution seems simplistic, but it is the key to fundamentally strengthening the cybersecurity posture of your dental practice. In cybersecurity, two methods stand out for their effectiveness and ease of implementation: security awareness training and security risk assessment. These approaches are not only about deploying advanced technologies; they involve understanding and managing the critical human and environmental factors necessary for safeguarding sensitive data.

1. Security Awareness Training: Your FIRST Line of Defense

The importance of Security Awareness Training in healthcare, particularly in dental practices, cannot be overstated. According to a 2023 IBM report95% of all data breaches involved human error. These errors often stem from a lack of awareness about cybersecurity best practices among staff members. Security awareness training is like your immune system’s first line of defense against external threats. Training your team transforms them into informed, vigilant protectors of patient data that keeps your practice safe.

Security awareness training includes teaching team members how to recognize phishing attempts and manage passwords, as well as the importance of regular software updates. By educating your staff, you create a culture of security mindfulness, where everyone understands their role in protecting patient information.

In IBM’s 2023 Cost of a Data Breach Report,2 employee training has been shown to reduce the average breach cost by $232,867. This statistic underscores not just the effectiveness but also the economic advantage in investing in regular, comprehensive security training.

2. Security Risk Assessment: Tailoring Your Cybersecurity Strategy

Just as a new patient exam is essential to developing a personalized dental treatment plan, a Security Risk Assessment is crucial to identifying the unique vulnerabilities within your dental practice’s network. This assessment involves a thorough examination of your practice’s IT infrastructure, policies, and procedures to identify potential security gaps.

This analogy extends further. Just as no two mouths are the same, similarly, no two dental practices have identical security needs. Some might require more robust encryption due to the volume of digital records they handle, while others might need to focus more on securing their Wi-Fi networks. A comprehensive risk assessment helps to pinpoint these specific needs, and allows for a more targeted approach to cybersecurity.

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends regular risk assessments as part of a dental practice’s cybersecurity protocol. This process not only helps in identifying and mitigating risks but also ensures compliance with regulations like HIPAA, which is crucial for maintaining patient trust and avoiding legal repercussions.

Final Thoughts

The ROI of investing in cybersecurity is intangible. It requires you to compare the cost of implementation against the cost of what may happen if you don’t. However, integrating Security Awareness Training and Security Risk Assessment into your dental practice’s routine can significantly bolster your data security without breaking the bank, and is an easy place to start.

These steps are not just about preventing breaches; they are about creating a resilient, informed environment where every team member is equipped to protect patient data. By adopting these practices, you are not only safeguarding information; you are reinforcing the trust that your patients place in your practice. Remember, in the world of cybersecurity, prevention is always better than cure.

Together, we can make dentistry safer online.

  1. IBM – Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023
  2. IBM – Cost of a Data Breach Report 2023

Anne Genge, Certified Information Privacy Professional, Certified Healthcare Cybersecurity Professional, Certified Healthcare Security Risk Assessment Specialist. Anne is the founder of Myla Training Co., Canada’s first-ever online privacy and cybersecurity training platform for dental professionals. With over two decades of experience, Anne has become a leading expert and trainer in this field. Anne collaborates closely with practice owners, managers, dental teams, and IT providers to ensure the safety of patients and practice data while enabling compliance with privacy regulations. Anne can be reached at anne@myla.training or call 877-363-9229 x702.