
How Do I Create a Cybersecurity Program for My Dental Practice and Team?


We’re so glad you asked! We know that cybersecurity isn’t your wheelhouse, and it can be daunting. The easiest and most effective place to start is by training your team. This simple act will help you mitigate risks and create a safer environment for your practice, team, and patient data. Below, we’ve outlined a few steps practices can take to protect themselves from data breaches, hacking, data loss, and human error.   

1. Regular Training for Everyone 

Cybersecurity isn’t the job of your “IT guy” or one team member. The whole team must be on board with best practices. Annual security awareness training for everyone including the dentist(s) is essential. Everyone should recognize phishing emails and the importance of strong passwords etc. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.   

2. Specialized Training for Managerial Positions 

People in managerial positions and/or the designated privacy officer(s) should have a higher level of training specific to their roles and responsibilities. They should understand the overall security posture of the organization, including management of a data breach and how to collaborate with cybersecurity professionals to conduct risk assessments.   

3. Posters & Checklists 

Visual aids help keep information top-of-mind. This includes hanging posters in common areas that summarize key security points, using checklists to remind staff to log out of systems when not in use, or verifying the identity of those requesting patient information. Luckily, myla™ Moments helps you stay updated on alerts, news, and materials to help you with these tasks. Make this a brief part of your regular meetings.   

4. Implement Solid Policies 

Written policies are a critical element of cybersecurity just like an office manual informs team members of practice expectations. They are the “rule book” of how to work safely with practice systems and patient data. We know it seems overwhelming, but once they’re done, the team knows the expectations and guidelines around protecting practice data and systems. These policies should document your practice’s instructions for operating computers, handling patient records, and data backup procedures as well as emergency response plans. For a nominal cost to develop, they are definitely worth having and they serve as the backbone of your practice’s cybersecurity measures.   

5. Stay Updated with Alerts and News 

By subscribing to cybersecurity alerts, like myla™ Moments, your practice is informed of the latest threats. Quick notifications about new types of malware or phishing scams will help you take preventive measures instead of becoming a victim.   

6. Regular Risk Assessments and Security Software 

Don’t underestimate the power of good cybersecurity software. Anti-virus software isn’t robust enough to protect you from today’s cyber threats on its own. Think of it as an investment to protect your biggest asset, your practice. And know that there are budget-friendly options out there that offer real-time professional monitoring to provide continuous threat detection and remediation. Coupled with regular risk assessments to identify your practice’s vulnerabilities, you’ll have all your bases covered. Feel free to contact us for a complimentary 30-minute consultation.   

Make cybersecurity part of your practice’s culture

Building a culture of cybersecurity in your dental practice isn’t a one-off thing; it’s incorporating the best practices into your daily workflow. All the small, consistent efforts you and your team take will yield big results. The combination of putting up posters, scheduling annual training, and keeping updated on potential dental cyber threats and how to avoid them make a big difference in safeguarding your practice from a data disaster, and your patients from a breach.