AVINENT Canada Introduces the AVINENT Experiences Blog!

Calgary, AB.,  AVINENT™’s commitment to research and science has been part of our DNA from day one: developing new advanced solutions for implant dentistry, sharing our scientific findings, and enhancing the level of industry knowledge overall. Our “AVINENT Experiences” Blog is just one more example of that in-depth commitment to technical and clinical basic and applied research in collaboration with universities, institutions, and technology centers.  

Intended as a means for sharing and exchanging ideas, science and knowledge, “AVINENT Experiences” is a digital showcase featuring a compilation of the latest posts covering scientific studies, topical articles, clinical cases, informative videos, technical tips, news, interviews, and more. The Blog has been up and running since the beginning of the year and is beginning to create a niche for itself as a valued medium for sharing knowledge and ideas in the dental industry.  New posts are published on the Blog on a bi-weekly basis. Doctors, collaborators, experts and professionals are always welcome to contribute.

AVINENT Experiences Blog

We invite you to visit the blog at www.avinentexperiences.com and see the outstanding array of information already available!

AVINENT Implants and proven digital systems – A whole new way of looking at implantology!

For more information, contact AVINENT Canada Ltd. Toll-free 1-855-566-5928 or by email at info@avinentcanada.com. For full details, technical data and scientific information on the complete AVINENT implant system offering, visit our website at www.canada.avinent.com.

About AVINENT™ Canada
Your complete digital implant solution! Move towards the future with AVINENT™ Canada today! Now distributed on five continents, with over 300,000 implants placed long-term in Europe and around the globe (over 98.5% success rate), AVINENT implants and prosthetic solutions are the result of years of intensive research and development. Their two implant systems – CORAL and OCEAN – feature the company’s revolutionary BIOMIMETIC ADVANCED SURFACE, inspired by the biochemical processes that occur in nature. With optimal osseointegration, remarkable primary stability, and our “correct pricing” strategy, AVINENT implants and proven digital systems simply make your clinical task easier. Blending both subtle and significant AVINENT-developed improvements into proven and popular tapered implant designs, they represent the state-of-the-art in implantology. All backed by fully customized best-in-class CAD/CAM prosthetic solutions milled by Core3dcentres for excellent aesthetic results. Available with internal and external hex connection.