Feeling Stuck? Elevate Yourself

by Michael Carabash BA, LLB, JD, MBA, CDPM


Feeling “stuck”? Maybe these ideas can help you elevate:

BE Present – We’re programmed to constantly be DO-ing. Work. Gym. Cook. Clean. Shop. Friends. Family. Travel. Repeat. But this doesn’t bring inner peace or outer wish fulfilment.

Time to re-program! Devote time every day to being absolutely still (meditate, pray, etc.).

You’ll stop yourself from worrying about the past or future so you can just BE (you are a human BE-ing!). When you’re present, you realize that you ARE the PRESENCE, the WITNESS, the OBSERVER. You are NOT your temporary thoughts or emotions. Those are tools to help you.

You are that highest energetic vibration, that soul, that PRESENCE that is complete, worthy, perfect and made up of pure unconditional LOVE. It’s connected to a collective consciousness of other living things that are here to create new expressions of unconditional love for the benefit of all. To raise the collective vibe.

Why? Because, by definition, a Creator (aka “God”) necessarily creates creations to themselves create the highest-level expressions of love to expand the Creator and all other creations.

Hence, we are all here to experience receiving and giving unconditional love (in the form of forgiveness, grace, honesty, patience, faith, etc.) – and that’s at the expense of politics and religion!

Be Grateful – Since we are all LOVE, we need to receive LOVE. How? You attract what you are and vibrate at. The outer world reflects your inner world (the law of attraction). The universe is ready to shower you with love. But you need to truly BELIEVE you are love and ACT accordingly before you can receive love. You’ll be tested on a moment-by-moment basis (the universe wants to make sure you’re ready for what you asked for!).

One good practice to BE-ing in love is to appreciate every moment. How? Spend time in nature ALONE while being present (no distractions). Witness the most amazing things, like how how incredibly beautiful, powerful and connected nature is. New patterns, constant change, raw beauty and the endless dance of death and rebirth. You’ll be in LOVE.

Now take that feeling and apply it to other moments of your life (at work and home). Being grateful helps you love all life and yourself.

Be Authentic – Who are your favourite movie characters? Mine are: Jesus from Jesus of Nazareth, William Wallace from Braveheart, Optimus Prime from The Transformers, and Mohandas Gandhi from Gandhi.

What traits do they have? Spiritual leaders, brave warriors and martyrs for their cause, honest and reliable, always looking out for the little guy. I idolize these traits. So the closer I get to embodying these traits in my everyday moments (especially when reacting to life’s challenges), the closer I get to being my most authentic self (and loving me more).

Balance Your Inner/Outer Worlds – The King is responsible, committed, logical, courageous, vulnerable, giving, leading, a boundary-setter, protective, action-oriented, grounded and courageous. He’s NOT operating from his Ego (e.g. not trying to control through fear, manipulation, dishonesty, doubt, anger, bitterness, comparison, jealousy, pride, etc.).

The Queen is healing, nurturing, magnetizing, expressive, receiving, alluring, sensual, flowing, self-assured, connective, educating, collaborative, faithful and expressive. She’s NOT operating from her Ego (e.g. not being co-dependent on anyone or anything else because of a sense of lack of self-worth, fear of abandonment, shame, guilt, etc.).

We all have inner King and Queen attributes. If, internally, someone is operating from a wounded King or Queen, they’ll reflect an imbalanced outer world, unhappiness, and constant lack.

But by constantly healing and balancing one’s inner King and Queen, something amazing happens: a balanced inner world is reflected in a balanced outer world! Voila: happiness and wish-fulfillment!

About the Author:

Michael Carabash, BA, LLB, JD, MBA, CDPM is a founding partner of DMC LLP, Canada’s largest dental-only law firm that helps dentists sell and buy practices in Ontario. Michael leads DMC’s annual Caribbean dental mission trips (Grenada, Jamaica, and Turks) Michael is now organizing Sint Maarten and Philippines dental outreach trips for 2023. Michael can be reached at michael@dentistlawyers.ca or 647.680.9530.