Try A Dental Detox

by Michael Carabash, BA, LLB, JD, MBA, CDPM


A dentist’s mind is always restless.

Never enough patients to treat, profits to earn, trips to take, restaurants to try, tech and luxury items to own, movies and books to get into, or time to spend with family and friends.

The mind is never content. Why? Because you think you’re only your “Person” (i.e. your temporary and limited body, thoughts, emotions, titles, relationships, financial status, etc.). You’ve allowed your mind’s fear-based energy to protect your Person from others, nature, and a higher consciousness (i.e. “God”), etc. So your mind goes to extremes (spreading doubt and fear) while always seeking external validation to maintain this falsehood.

But this constant state of fear creates unhealthy insecurities, dependencies, lack of self-worth, jealousies, pride, anger, bitterness, shame, guilt, abandonment issues, etc. The mind incessantly ruminates and worries about the past and future. It convinces you that you “lack” and are not perfect. So you end up attracting more experiences that reinforce this “lack.” A never-ending cycle.

But. You. Are. Not. Your. Person. Your Person eventually dies. But what is always there is the TRUE you: your Soul! An eternal energy that is complete, perfect, and connected to all. Your Soul vibrates at peace, joy and unconditional love.

Like a child, your Soul is fearless. It wants your Person to experience life in every single moment (without considering past or future) and expand its own consciousness through new expressions of unconditional love.

It’s your Soul that brings your Person the best life possible. When you’re vibrating at Soul energy, you magnetize in experiences to reinforce the Soul’s vibration. More love from others, material abundance, time to travel, food and drink to try, opportunities to help others, etc. A perfect life, guided by your Soul’s BEing and assisted by your mind’s DOing.

So how do you shift from vibrating at mind to Soul?

Start With A Detox!

Identify your mind’s fear-based addictive energies. Things like: watching the news, being on social media, always needing to go out with friends, working ‘round the clock, having unhealthy recreational addictions (e.g. drugs and alcohol, porn, junk food, etc.), constantly planning and going on trips, needing a romantic partner to “complete” you with constant attention, etc.

If you need something because your mind says you “lack” or aren’t perfect without it, then cut out that addictive energy for 30 days! You are your Soul and your Soul IS everything and brings everything to you.

Detach from low vibrational people, places, things and ideas… let them go and watch a perfect life flow to and through you. Have no judgments, expectations, conditions, or preferences of what your Soul brings you next.

Whatever life manifests, respond: “I don’t mind. I am grateful for the opportunity to respond with peace, joy and unconditional love!” There’s no “good” or “bad” to your Soul. There just IS. And it’s within this equilibrium that you’ll shift into Soul-based energy and magnetize in your Person’s best life.

If anyone tries to convince you otherwise, remember: social constructs and temporary feelings of guilt and shame are of the mind, not your Soul! You’re here to give your Soul what it wants your Person to experience.

Practice Human BEing when you wake. Meditate, pray, journal, create art, practise gratitude, eat and drink healthy, take care of your body, do yoga or exercise, dance, listen to music, practise self-care, go on a nature hike, etc. And guard this time jealously!

Stop people-pleasing, worrying about the past or future, or making up stories (especially about what others are doing, thinking or feeling). Doubt your doubts and don’t fear your fears. Fill up your own cup with your own energy. And when you’re done your 30-day detox, you can better balance between Human BEing and DOing. You’ll be living a divine life as a Soul having a human experience. And then you can help others fill their own cup.

About the Author:

Michael Carabash, BA, LLB, JD, MBA, CDPM is a founding partner of DMC LLP, Canada’s largest dental-only law firm that helps dentists sell and buy practices in Ontario. Michael leads DMC’s annual Caribbean dental mission trips (Grenada, Jamaica and Turks & Caicos). Michael can be reached at or 647.680.9530.