Oral Health Next Gen

Next Gen of the Month: Sormeh Mehrabi

Next Gen of the Month is a monthly Q&A with a dental student or new dentist where we ask them about their experiences and accomplishments thus far in their dentistry journey.

Why did you decide to pursue dentistry?

My sister and I have always been my father’s greatest inspiration. He worked tirelessly to provide us with every opportunity our curious minds desired. Due to Iran’s challenges with women’s rights, we applied to immigrate to Canada, and in 2010 we finally made the move. While deeply concerned for our family’s well-being, my father often neglected his own, especially regarding dental care. Numerous visits to the dental office culminated in a tragic extraction procedure, leaving him with a broken sinus and too much scar tissue to get implants. After this procedure my dad was not his energetic self and expressed that he felt handicapped and old. I implored him to get a second opinion. Thankfully a prosthodontist took on his case and gave him the implants he needed, transforming his life.

Witnessing the transformative power of a skilled prosthodontist who restored my father’s smile and confidence ignited my passion for dentistry. I realized the vast impact that dental professionals can have on not only an individual’s oral health but also their overall well-being and self-esteem.

My father’s journey inspired me to embark on a path in dentistry with a singular focus: to be able to provide practical solutions to those who may have lost faith in their dental health, just as that prosthodontist did for my family. I am driven by the desire to provide compassionate care and empower my patients to reclaim their smiles and their lives.

What do you like to do for fun?

I’m not picky when it comes to having fun – except when it comes to passive entertainment like TV. During my time living alone, I didn’t even own a TV or subscribe to Netflix.

My absolute favorite pastime is hiking in nature; if I were living in a warmer climate, I doubt I’d engage in any other activity.

I enjoy hosting dinner parties with friends, engaging in lively conversations, dancing, and playing games. It brings me joy to impress them with my cooking skills and the cozy chaos of my home, which resembles a jungle due to my extensive plant collection – though I had to leave them behind when I moved from Toronto.

Occasionally, I draw, sew, or make crafts. I seldom keep any of my artwork; instead, I prefer to give it away as gifts to my friends.

Favorite dental people/accounts to follow?

@peaceful.toothdoc shares great content to educate followers about oral health habits while authentically documenting her daily experiences in the office. Her vibrant personality shines through, making her a role model I admire!

@ladyspinedoc embodies openness and honesty in sharing her life as a doctor and a mother, empowering women to balance demanding careers with family life. Her relatable approach feels like having a supportive big sister, and her captivating explanations of neurological conditions make her platform even more interesting!

@dentistrysociety_ delivers a fantastic blend of humorous and educational content. Their feed features entertaining reels created by dental students, which never fail to brighten my day. Additionally, they share interesting cases that are easily comprehensible for budding dentists, such as myself.

Can you tell us about Bright Future Dentists and the journey of co-founding the organization?

Bright Future Dentists was born out of a shared vision between myself and friends Rastin and Shamim during our second year of undergrad in 2021. Recognizing the competitive nature of the pre-dental journey in Toronto’s science programs, we aimed to foster a supportive community where students could inspire and uplift each other toward their dental school aspirations. By being approachable, we created a space where our team was comfortable to vocalize their ideas. Drawing on our individual skills and knowledge, we collaborated to breathe life into these concepts, leading to a diverse array of projects. These initiatives ranged from community outreach to informative sessions featuring various dental professionals, as well as workshops tailored to the dental school experience.

One standout initiative, Dent Net, facilitated mentorship connections, bridging the gap between pre-dental, dental students, and dentists, fostering a sense of camaraderie within the dental community.

Passing the torch to future dental hopefuls upon entering dental school, I reflect on the sincere friendships that blossomed during this journey – relationships that have significantly impacted me both personally and professionally. These experiences taught me invaluable lessons in leadership, relationship building, and project management skills that will undoubtedly influence my future practice. Bright Future Dentists has been instrumental in not only nurturing enduring friendships but also providing me with mentorship opportunities and fostering personal growth, making it an incredibly transformative experience.

Do you have any time management or work-life balance tips, considering all the projects you juggle? (studying, BFD, content creation, etc.)

Dental students are notorious for saying: “Sorry, I can’t right now, I have too much on my plate.” I’m guilty of that too, but I believe I’ve developed some strategies that help me avoid this predicament most of the time.

One challenge I’ve faced is spreading myself too thin across multiple projects. While I’m creative and ambitious in my ideas, failing to practice patience can lead to work-life imbalance. Setting achievable goals and understanding my boundaries is crucial. I prioritize quality over quantity, committing fully to select tasks, which yields better results and a greater sense of satisfaction. Understanding that tackling a heavier workload is comparable to progressively lifting heavier weights at the gym, I recognize the importance of patience and gradual growth in developing stamina.

If there’s one thing I cherish most, it’s schedules. They enable me to start projects early and fit them around my life, rather than the other way around. Structured schedules for the year, semester, month, and two to three weeks ahead help me conceptualize time and visualize tasks. This long-term approach helps me incorporate deadlines for my side projects alongside my academic ones. I also maintain a minimum vs. maximum capacity list – I ensure I complete the minimum tasks, and if time permits, I tackle the more ambitious ones.

However, it’s not as if I tackle the ambitious tasks haphazardly. My schedule is built upon a foundation of routines that promote consistency while allowing for flexibility. I reserve Tuesday evenings for “creative time,” dedicating it to various projects like club work or social media. This incremental progress throughout the year will accumulate into great results.

As someone whose career hinges on studying, I believe the greatest favor you can do for yourself is to understand your study style. For example, knowing my Gen Z dopamine-driven brain, I renounced the notion of studying for an entire day and instead opted for shorter, more productive study sessions. By allowing myself to switch tasks, I capitalize on time I would otherwise spend on my phone, minimizing wasted time and maximizing efficiency.

Admittedly, some days devolve into laziness or spontaneous conversations at the library. That’s why I’ve designated Saturdays as “blank days,” reserved for unexpected tasks or catching up on lectures. This system helps prevent complete chaos during overwhelming periods in school.

I cannot stress enough the importance of having a robust support system. Surrounding yourself with individuals who can offer guidance, assistance, and solace during life’s ebbs and flows is crucial. It’s a reciprocal relationship; even amidst busyness, it’s essential to be there for your partner and family. Therefore, carving out time throughout the week to connect with my parents and spend quality time with my partner aligns with my values. I believe in maintaining a work-life balance because, ultimately, these are the people who will be there for me, and they are whom I strive to support.

At the same time, prioritizing personal time is paramount, albeit challenging for me. Integrating workouts or moments of relaxation into daily routines helps avoid burnout. Particularly on days filled with intensive studying, I ensure to schedule time for activities I enjoy, so I can look forward to something.

Above all, a curiosity-driven learning mindset pushes me to take on side projects. I derive genuine enjoyment from the projects I undertake and continually seek opportunities to learn from others and effect positive change in the world. Along the way, I encounter countless inspiring individuals who impart valuable lessons, fueling my drive to persevere.