A New Online Diploma

Program in Dental Science Has Been Launched by the German Union: Dental Online College & Deutch ArtzVerla  

The Leaders in continuing education programs in Germany, has announced the launching of a new online diploma in continuing education in dental science in 1st of May 2014.

“This Program serves dentists in all over the world to get a certificate approved from the University with CME credits from the German Federal Chamber of Dentists (BZÄK).” Mr.Tabler the Managing Director of the Dental Online College Said. “Our aim in this online diploma is to serve dentists overseas to roll into German continuing education programs whenever they want, and wherever they are.”

This Union has chosen AsnanPortal.com to be the Sales and Media Partner  for this Online Program. “We are proud to be the Sales and Media Partner for the Postgraduate Diploma in Continuing Education in Dental Science, as many of our members are continuously asking for continuing education programs in dentistry” Dr.Mohannad Kiswani the Managing Director for AsnanPortal said; “this partnership reinforces our aim in sharing all new in dental science for dentists all over the world through online media channels, it’s a new era of continuing education through a very high quality videos where dentist can learn clinical skills from the most experienced specialist dentists.”

What is unique in this Program is the individual learning capability, as every dentist will start his own program from the day he completes his registration, participants are not obliged to specific starting dates, and are not depending on other participants. This program is considered suitable for the those who cannot leave their running work and who are not able to travel overseas to get postgraduate certificates from acknowledged references.

For more information visit: http://us3.campaign-archive1.com/?u=63186607fc9f9a13d9e265994&id=57dc622ac0&e=0db0922411.