The proof of the pudding is in the eating, especially when it comes to alloys – get a close look at International Dental Show (IDS) 2013

Current trends in alloys — increasing variety of gold-based alloys — networked manufacture of non-precious-metal frameworks and superstructures — a main theme at IDS 2013

In addition to their proven safety, these materials deliver exceptional stability along with elasticity and perfect compatibility — to name just some of the of the precious metal’s advantages. But the development of its price is every bit as reliable as the material itself: The cost of gold has rocketed skywards, especially in the last five years. This trend poses problems for dentists and dental technicians, for despite the material’s ideal properties, it is becoming increasingly difficult to successfully offer precious-metal alloys. Many patients simply cannot afford to stay on the gold standard — the dental industry, however, offers appropriate alternatives for such cases.

In view of the price trend described, the ECO alloys with reduced gold component are currently gaining in importance. These alloys can provide the advantages of gold alloys including good compatibility with ceramics and, at the same time, offer a price advantage that can be passed on to the patient.

If, however, the restoration has to be “as economical as possible,” then base metal remains the material of choice. It can be utilized to realize exactly fitting and price-oriented solutions, especially when used in combination with modern methods of networked production. For example, SLM (selective laser melting) processes that ensure a homogeneous surface and an overall passive fit can be used to make the framework. Alongside this non-precious-metal work, silver-palladium and palladium-based alloys are also making a comeback.

“The constantly growing area of alloys gives a good impression of the dental industry’s delight in innovation,” says Dr. Markus Heibach, President of the VDDI. “Anyone who wants to stay current in this fast-moving sector will find the best conditions at the International Dental Show in Cologne. Ever-increasing visitor numbers emphasise the importance of IDS as an essential link between the dental industry on one side and the practices and laboratories on the other.”

The International Dental Show (IDS) is held in Cologne every two years. The event is organised by the Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Dental-Industrie mbH (Society for the Promotion of the Dental Industry, GFDI) and the commercial enterprise of the Association of German Dental Manufacturers (VDDI). The trade fair is staged by Koelnmesse GmbH, Cologne.