1 in 4 American adults have untreated cavities

Partners In Prevention 1This (shocking) statistic was recently released by the US CDC.

How does this level of under-treatment compare to untreated diabetes or hypertension, 2 other prevalent chronic conditions in America?

So, chronic disease festers in the adult population and even amongst those who are aware of their condition, adherence to treatment remains low. For example, a Canadian insurer knows that 55% of diabetics take their medication and 63% of those with high blood pressure are adherent to treatment.

What does this all mean? Large unmet needs, limited access to care, and poor patient engagement. This is the genesis of healthcare reforms.

By: Ross Perry
SOURCED: Partners In Prevention – http://partnersinprevention.ca/1-in-4-american-adults-have-untreated-cavities/