Marketing to Millennials

If you are anything like me, it is with great trepidation that I have entered into the world social media, likely because I don’t understand most of it. In dentistry we go to great lengths to protect the privacy of our patients, and yet they post every tiny detail of their lives on Facebook or Twitter and often there is too much detail. Even though I am chronologically enriched, I have had to admit that the new reality is that social media is not a fad, it is here to stay.
Successful marketing in dentistry means that you must know who your audience is and understand how to reach them with your important message. Smart dental marketers realize the millennial generation, often referred to as generation Y is a generation of consumers that is 7% more than baby boomers. They are tech savvy adults who are ready to spend their money what they value. Dental offices must connect with millennial consumers now because these young adults are the major consumer group of the present and future.
This generation won’t remember a world without the Internet, smart-phones, and Google, and as a result, they are quite possibly the most informed consumer generation ever to face marketing professionals. You can bet that, before they make any major purchase, they will have researched it, asked their friends about it on social channels, and searched your reviews online.
Dentists need to show how their services are actually necessary to the already full, multi-tasking lives of this generation of consumers. Their online expectations have been set pretty high and they are constantly bombarded with new information. If your dental business has been lucky enough to capture their often short attention spans, then you must not insult their intelligence and maintain your relationship.
Give this generation of dental consumers something to talk about. Create a conversation around your services. Don’t use gimmicks or worry about giveaways. Provide honest information that will encourage dialogue.
Quality and service matter again! Keeping in mind their access to technology and how easily millennial can find your competitors online, the service and quality you provide is essential. Millennial notice companies that take the time to provide great, Millennial-friendly services and will reward you by recommending your office to their friends. Otherwise, expect them to spread their bad experiences and reviews instead — you must fear the bad millennial review. Word-of-mouth marketing is very much alive, bigger than ever, and it’s all online. Your dental business must be ready to deliver amazing customer services. Millennial are demanding better service and higher quality.
Dentists who recognize the value in marketing to Millennials and tailoring efforts with these points in mind may help them market to this increasingly lucrative generation. This powerful consumer group is smart and resourceful with instant access to information. Marketing your dental practice has to be epic!