Clog – Riddle me this Batman and Boy Blunder

I’ve posted a poll on the right side of the blog site………would you create an email from the iTrans domain if you could….the raison d’etre behind the question is simple…..a Canadian dental intranet would build a discussion forum across this country the likes of which has not been seen before. It would provide a mechanism whereby any dentist in this country could be assisted in diagnosis, treatment planning and trouble shooting. It would be “encrypted”, images and textual content would not reference patient names or file numbers, the great fear that having a root canal would not be known to the population at large and such piracy/privacy concerns would prove empty.  And so we being by example from an existing forum… consider offering an answer… don’t know what you don’t know…..

This is a referral case. Findings 3.6 (19 for those of you in the Tea Party – did Sarah Palin really say wee-wee?): RCT some years before, percussion test (-ve) , asymptomatic, pocket depths 3-4mm, furcation probing normal, no m0bility, no fistula, no complaints, on the x-ray there is a huge apical periapical lesion visible, the cbCT was made for a different issue, you can see this typical “J” on the x-ray and on the cbCT also. Is this a sign of a vertical root fracture? No clinical findings to verify this. On 3.7(18) is the lesion caused by 3.8 (17)? Vitality Test (-ve) Percussion (-ve). No complaints noted. Thanks for your suggestions. Best regards, Stefan