Enchantment: The Art of Changing Hearts, Minds, and Actions by Guy Kawasaki

Enchantment by Guy Kawasaki

A worthy read if you want to be “The Dental Office”

Guy Kawasaki may be the Dale Carnegie of the technology age. While Enchantment is
peppered with references to PowerPoint, Facebook, and other 21st
century topics, much of the wisdom is as timeless as what you’ll still
find in How to Win Friends and Influence People.

Kawasaki has a lot to say about business, and life in general. His last book, Reality Check, was a massive collection of business wisdom. Enchantment is
a shorter book but still covers a lot of territory. It focuses in
particular on how to influence others in a positive, constructive way.
The pervasive themes would be no surprise to Dale Carnegie: honesty,
trustworthiness, and helping others without anticipating payback. These
apply both to social media and in-person interactions. Lest you think
Enchantment is a set of bland prescriptions for playing nice with
others, though, Kawasaki enlivens the book with straightforward and
often funny advice like this bullet point from his guide to using social

Don’t take any crap. If you give people
the benefit of the doubt and they violate you,don’t tolerate it. My
theory is that if you think someone is an asshole,most people who are
silently observing the situation think so, too.

This is called Guy’s Theory of Perfect Knowledge of Assholes (or orifices if
you prefer). If you don’t take any crap, you will enchant the silent
observers who like that you have the courage to push back. Just don’t
make the reaction personal…

Not exactly Dale Carnegie… and Enchantment is full of
straight-talking nuggets like this. Kawasaki provides a lot of specific
advice, ranging from how much self-promotion you can insert in your
social media interactions (he says 5%) to how long you have in your
YouTube video to engage the viewer (10 seconds; longer, and they will
click away).

Neuromarketing readers will find plenty to like in Enchantment.
To back up his points about influence, Kawasaki often cites behavioral
research by Robert Cialdini and others. A chapter titled, “How to
Overcome Resistance,” is particularly dense with the kind of clever
psychological experiments that can shed light on real business

Apple co-founder Woz’s blurb for Enchantment is short and
sweet: “Read this book to create a company as enchanting as Apple.
That may be a bit of a stretch, but if you read Enchantment and follow just a fraction of Kawasaki’s advice, you’ll no doubt be more enchanting and a lot more successful.

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