Patient-Centric Care: A Fading Ideal?

by Dr. Pratyusha Kondath



In the labyrinth of healthcare, a concerning shift has begun to surface – a shift from the noble pursuit of quality care to a relentless focus on quantity in the name of business. As practitioners, advocates, and consumers of healthcare, we must critically examine this trajectory, for it threatens to undermine the very essence of our noble profession.

In this article, we will dissect the factors contributing to this shift, assess its impact on patient care, and advocate for a return to the core values of ethical and patient-centric treatment.

The Shift from Quality Care to Quantity

Healthcare has traditionally been considered a sacred domain that prioritizes healing and care. However, the increasing influence of business dynamics has resulted in a shift in the priorities of healthcare institutions. Profit-driven models have become more prevalent, leading to a subtle yet significant alteration in the way healthcare is practised.

The emphasis on quantity over quality has led to a decline in the patient experience. As the bottom line becomes the primary focus, the human touch in healthcare often takes a back seat, leaving patients feeling like mere transactions.

The Impact on Patient Experience

The impact of this shift is evident in the declining quality of care. Patients report feeling neglected, rushed through appointments, and deprived of empathy during their vulnerable moments. This paradigm shift does not only affect individual experiences but also the overall health outcomes and the doctor-patient relationship. This erosion of trust undermines the very foundation of the healthcare system as a whole.

Initiating conversations, sharing personal experiences, and shedding light on instances of exemplary care can contribute to a groundswell of support for a return to patient-focused practices.

The Call for Change

As advocates for healthcare improvement, it’s our duty to raise awareness about the importance of patient-centric care. By initiating conversations, sharing our own experiences, and highlighting instances of exceptional care, we can generate widespread support for a resurgence of patient-focused practices.

Through a collective effort to blend compassionate care with cutting-edge medical practices, we can redefine the healthcare landscape, ensuring patients are not just passive recipients of services but active participants in their journey to well-being.

Policy Advocacy

Advocating for policy changes is the need of the hour. We must press for policy improvements that prioritize patients. We require regulations that encourage healthcare professionals to focus on quality rather than quantity. It is imperative to demand and push for regulations that ensure transparency in healthcare practices.

Additionally, we should advocate for investing in training programs that teach empathy in medical education. It’s time to implement policies that truly prioritize the well-being of patients.

The Healing Touch

In the fast-paced field of medicine, clinicians often struggle with a heavy workload that can have unintended consequences on patient care. Despite our best efforts to provide high-quality care, it’s easy to overlook the fact that each patient is a unique individual with their own story, emotions, and vulnerabilities.

As healthcare professionals, we have a responsibility to remember the human element of our work. It’s essential to understand that empathy is not just a kind gesture, but also a professional duty. By acknowledging the personal experiences of those seeking our expertise, we can establish a relationship based on mutual trust and understanding. Instead of solely focusing on treating illnesses, let’s broaden our perspective and prioritize the importance of nurturing human connections.

Recognizing the Champions of Patient-Centric Care

Despite the challenges that healthcare professionals face, there are those who remain steadfast in their commitment to providing patient-centered care. It is our responsibility to recognize and learn from these individuals, whose exceptional efforts go beyond their prescribed duties to ensure that patients receive the best possible care. Their dedication creates a safe and welcoming environment for patients, where they feel valued and empowered to be active participants in their healthcare journey.

By acknowledging these exceptional healthcare providers, we can inspire others to uphold patient-centered principles and strive for excellence in the quality of care they provide. This recognition is a call to action for the entire healthcare community to recognize and appreciate the contributions of these champions.


As we navigate the ever-changing terrain of healthcare, it is essential to bear in mind the fundamental principles that shape our honorable profession. While there may be a drive towards optimizing output, it is imperative that we never lose sight of the importance of providing high-quality care.

As caregivers, we have a responsibility to lead the effort to restore the balance between financial acumen and the ethical mandate to prioritize the needs of patients. By doing so, we can ensure that the sanctity of healthcare remains intact, and our commitment to the welfare of those we serve echoes throughout the halls of medicine.

About the Author:

Currently working as an In House Doctor in Hyderabad, India. Her passion for writing and an unwavering commitment to enhancing patient experiences defines her professional identity. When she is not working she’s usually found in a café, indulging in lattes. She can be reached at