Roll your own….

Found a few interesting sites for those diehards who like to “roll their own” when it comes to graphics for blogs and e-newsletters. In searching out topic areas, this particular aspect of practice management is exploding…..

for those explaining occlusion and TMJ.

Shutterstock – just plug in the keywords, there is a charge, but it’s soup to nuts

Image representing Shutterstock as depicted in...

Image via CrunchBase

And of course for those who want to BLOG AWAY – Word Press and a host of themes CLICK and of course there are freebees everywhere.

The reason for this endless press……read on…….

..there is a reality in the US and Canada, fortunately to a lesser degree north of 49….. 

Health care is in crisis – the following from David Frum…..The United States provides less assistance to the unemployed and the poor than almost any other democracy. It spends 60% more per person on health care than almost any other democracy — and gets worse results. The problem is not that Americans use too much medicine. People in other countries use more. The problem is that Americans pay too much for the medicine they use. Go where the money is,cut where the waste is grossest…

…..this is not a tangential commentary……unemployment does exist in Canada and benefits are usually the first to go as companies cut back, it’s inevitable …….our dollar is sky high, our primary trading partner up the creek without the proverbial paddle.

In business, this is when they tell you to market like crazy, because when the cycle is over, you’re the most recognizable….so to that end….ponder upon it.

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