Celebrating 100 Years with Oral Health

by Jim Kerr, DDS and Randy Lang, DDS, D.Ortho

It seems hard to believe that Oral Health began 100 years ago. The journal was the vision of Dr. Wallace Seccombe, who began his career in dentistry at the start of the 20th century. His purpose was to have a vehicle where he could ventilate his opinions to the dental profession and his goals were to advance the profession and to provide excellent clinical articles for his subscribers. We are proud that Oral Health has held to these objectives and even exceeded them.

The practice of dentistry has evolved greatly over the years and the journal has kept pace with these changes. We have always worked to make sure that our editorial content reflects the growth of the profession and keeps our readers up-to-date on new trends, techniques and developments in the field of dentistry.

As the profession has grown, so has our Editorial Board. Today, our 18-member board plus 18 contributing consultants, work to ensure that our editorial content stays timely, relevant and current to meet the needs of today’s readers. Whereas Oral Health used to contain primarily reprints and abstracts from dental journals around the world, today we present more than 70% original content to our readers, covering a wide variety of topics and areas that were not even thought of 100 years ago! From endodontics to implants, new materials and technologies to digital imaging and CBCT scanning, it is vital that Oral Health remains on top of  developments and helps our readers be ready for the changes of tomorrow. As our knowledge has grown, so has our ability to help our patients and correspondingly, our responsibility to provide those same patients with the very best standard of care.

Our longevity and growth would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of so many people over the years. From the original team at Seccombe House, continuing with the leadership of the people at Southam  Press Ltd (as the company which acquired Oral Health in 1971 was then known) to the many talented colleagues we have had the privilege of working with on our Editorial Board, Oral Health has been, and continues to be, a proud and independent voice for Canadian dentistry. We will continue to build on our strong legacy and tradition of editorial excellence and as always, our main focus will remain to serve the needs of you, our readers.

2011 will be a year of celebration-we will look back at our rich history and look ahead to what exciting developments the future of dentistry may hold. One thing will never change-our commitment to clinical excellence and our passion for serving the profession of dentistry!   OH