Webinar on VoiceWorks by Karen Davis, RDH

Oral Science is pleased to announce that it will host, in collaboration with Karen Davis (RDH), a second live webinar specifically on the VoiceWorks voice-controlled perio charting system: Dental Hygienists Repairing the Periodontal Foundation: An Unanticipated Return on Investment.

This webinar is scheduled for Wednesday, December 16th from 8 to 9 PM EST, including a question period. A certificate for 1 hour of continuing education will be provided.

This course is your opportunity to discover the reasons why introducing VoiceWorks!

To register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/2889228897083315982


It is likely all clinicians would agree that beautiful and functional dentistry should be built on healthy foundations.  However, making accurate and early diagnosis of gingivitis, periodontitis, and peri-implantitis requires tedious and time-consuming data collection that is actually logistically cumbersome in the dental hygiene appointment. Learn how to capitalize on technology to identify gingivitis, periodontitis and peri-implant disease in the earliest possible stage, while yielding an unanticipated return on investment for patients, clinicians and dental practices.

Learning Objectives

  • Identify obstacles, challenges and pitfalls of traditional methods of data collection
  • Distinguish how VoiceWorks aids in helping to repair diseased foundations, and improve patient and practice health
  • Appraise the ease of integrating VoiceWorks hands-free technology for today’s busy clinician

See more of the latest dentistry news here!