A big incentive to visit the dentist — a longer life!

Partners In Prevention 1A new study which followed mortality of young Seniors over 5 years, found a significant predictor of death was the number of teeth.

Even when allowing for other risk factors for mortality (gender, BMI, serum albumin level, current smoking status, education, number of family members living together, history of chronic disease), the risk of all-cause mortality was significantly associated with the number of remaining teeth (P = 0.047) with a hazard ratio of 0.96, indicating that there was a 4% point increase in the 5-year survival rate per additional tooth retained at the age of 70.

Half of the patients attending a Canadian dental practice are over age 50. But by 65, the dental attendance rate falls quickly as insurance disappears and fixed incomes limit affordability.

This study presents an opportunity to reach out to the growing number of Seniors who if they know how important their teeth were to longevity, just might convince themselves to call the dentist.

By: Ross Perry
SOURCED: Partners In Prevention – http://partnersinprevention.ca/a-big-incentive-to-visit-the-dentist-a-longer-life/