Avoid Negative SEO Tactics to Maintain Website Search Rankings

EKWA MarketingSearch ranking algorithms of leading search engines such as Google and Bing have become highly sophisticated in recent years. It is no longer a wise move to indulge in negative SEO tactics in the hope of pushing up search rankings for your website by manipulating the search algorithms. Such a move is most likely to backfire and result in penalties or lower rankings from the search engine.

Consider the following measures to be proactive against negative SEO:

Follow Google Webmaster Tool Alerts
In Google’s online Webmaster Tools, you will have the option to turn on email notifications or alerts. You can simply visit Webmaster Tools on Google.com, go to Preferences, and turn on notifications for all issues.

If for any reason, Google’s search engine crawlers are unable to access your site, or your site is a target of spam attacks, or any other unusual or negative activity is identified, you will receive an email notification from Google about it. You can follow the alerts carefully and take corrective SEO steps as necessary.

Keep a Check on Your Inbound Links
Google Webmaster Tools, Link Research Tools, and Open Site Explorer are examples of such tools that allow you to maintain a check on the quality of your dental website’s inbound links. Services such as CognitiveSEO.com or MonitorBacklinks.com are also available to help you automate the process of evaluating the quality of inbound links.

Do not let your website be linked with any sites of dubious nature or unreliable link directories that promise to provide you with thousands of back links. Discipline and vigilance with regard to link building will help to keep your site free of negative SEO.

Disavow Suspicious Inbound Links

It is possible that for a long time you may not have performed an SEO audit or quality check of your website. As a result, a large number of unreliable, spammy or suspicious back links may have built up on your website. This can invite penalties from Google or lower your search rankings drastically.

You can identify the unwanted inbound links on your site, and request the other party for a removal. If this does not work, you can use Google’s Disavow Tool, which allows you to disavow suspicious, redundant, broken or unwanted back links.

For more information, please visit: www.ekwa.com.


By: Naren Arulrajah with Vikas Vij

About the Author:
Naren Arulrajah is President and CEO of Ekwa Marketing, a complete Internet marketing company which focuses on SEO, social media, marketing education and the online reputations of Dentists. With a team of 130+ full time marketers, www.ekwa.com helps doctors who know where they want to go, get there by dominating their market and growing their business significantly year after year. If you have questions about marketing your practice online, call Naren direct at 877-249-9666.